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Radar Accessories > Beltronics & Escort - Vertical Mounting Bracket extends range against multanovas.
Beltronics & Escort - Vertical Mounting Bracket extends range against multanovas.

Price: $35.00
Availability: Out-Of-Stock
Prod. Code: VrtBrkt

The Beltronics and Escort vertical mounting bracket extends the range of a variety of radar detector models manufactured by these two companies against the Multanova 6F camera used in Western Australia and in any other country where the 6F version of the Multanova is used.  Why?  If you don't match the polarization of the emitting RF signal of a speed trap, it can reduce range significantly.  For most police radar it doesn't matter - most police radar antennas have "circular polarization" so you'll get the same range whether the detector is mounted vertically or horizontally. But the multanova is different: it is horizontally polarized, while the radar detectors are normally vertically polarized, hence you'll get the most range by turning the detector on it's side to match the multanova's polarization!  Some tests have shown performance increases ranging from 20-40%.

High quality design. Easy to bend to any window curvature.



This bracket was originally designed for us, with quality in mind.  It is suitable for use in most radar detector models:



  • Bel STi XR
  • Escort Redline
  • Escort X50
  • Bel RX65
  • Bel XR70
  • Bel Vector 965
  • and more!

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