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Don't Get Caught Members > DGC News September 2018
DGC News September 2018

Sep 1, 2018

Dear DGC Members,

We’d like to take this opportunity to wish all the Father’s reading this a very Happy Father’s Day for this Sunday and make sure you drive safe this weekend.

This month on What’s On Our Radar we have an article that may be of interest to our Western Australian members, along with some helpful information on the Radenso RCM and its features, the ALPriority Laser Defence System and the Wingmate Pro Personal Breathalyser.

Happy Father's Day and Safe Driving,
The DGC Team


What's On Our Radar?

Tool to catch lead-foots here to stay

Keep a look out for Alice.
The latest police weapon against speeding, a tank-like contraption nicknamed ALICE, is here to stay and could be rolled out across the State after a successful trial nabbed more than 11,000 speeders.



The Radenso RCM Undetectable Radar Detector!
The Highest Level Of Customization Of Any Detector Available Today!

•   Extreme Radar Detection Range
•   Full Laser Defense (Radenso RCM AL Priority Laser Defense Kit required)
•   Removable Magnetic OLED display
•   All radar and laser alerts on a single display
•   Waterproof antenna• GPS lockouts for stationary false alerts
•   Australian Red Light & Speed Camera alerts
•   Low Speed GPS auto-muting (automatically mutes based on speed)

Complete AL Priority Laser Defense Integration

What good is having the best radar detector in the world, if you don’t have laser protection? We solved that by making the RC M ready to integrate with the best laser defence system in the world, the AL Priority, all in one discreet and compact display.

•   Laser alerts with front and rear arrows on RC M display.
•   Ability to have Radar and Laser defenses stay enabled or disabled when removing the RC M display.
•   Change laser defense time directly on RC M display.
•   Enable or disable AL Priority parking sensor from RC M display.
•   When updating your AL Priority firmware through USB, the update progress appears on the RC M display.



The ALPriority Multipurpose Parking System!
The Smallest & Strongest Sensor With Fully Functional Parking Sensor Capabilities!



AlcoSense Wingmate Pro Personal Breathalyser

•   Fuel Cell Sensor Breathalyser
•   Quick and alcohol-specific BAC results
•   Light up backlight display
•   3 decimal place BAC reading
•   Dual colour backlight with warnings in red
•   Certified to Australian Standards AS3547



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